Annual membership fees are 70 euros for regular members and 20 euros for both junior members (graduate students and postdocs up to 5 years after Ph.D.) and retired members, with the option of a personal subscription for the Matrix Biology journal (78 euros for on-line access only, 136 euros for print and on-line). Membership runs from January 1 to December 31.
Become a member
To become a member, please complete and sign the membership application form and send it to the ISMB Treasurer. Then, purchase a subscription through the online payment system*.
Your membership becomes active upon receipt of payment.
* direct bank transfer is available too. Please refer to the instructions in the membership application form
Renew your membership
To renew your membership, simply purchase a new subscription through the online payment system. Alternatively, fill in the membership renewal form and send it to the ISMB Treasurer. Then, purchase a subscription through the online payment system*.
Your membership becomes active upon receipt of payment.
* direct bank transfer is available too. Please refer to the instructions in the membership application form
You can also use the online payment system to make a donation to ISMB. Just click on the link below!