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Posted November 11, 2024

Post-Doctoral Position in Vascular Biology.

Institute: INSERM (French Institute of Health and Medical Research)

Country/City: University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.


A postdoctoral position is available in the endothelial cell biology group at INSERM U1026 BioTis. Our research programme focuses on endothelial cell biology and more specifically on the interactions of endothelial cells with the basement membrane. We are interested in analyzing both the endothelial cell phenotypic and behavioral changes occurring upon pathological changes in basement membrane composition, and basement membrane alterations upon endothelial cell
activation. We have recently discovered that the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin-1 plays a central role in endothelial cell biology (Alonso et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2023, doi:10.1073/pnas.2221742120, Alonso et al., Biomolecules 2022; doi: 10.3390/biom12101330). The project aims to develop innovative therapeutic applications for arterial wall repair of weakened vessels for regenerative and reparative medicine. In addition, it will contribute to a better understanding of the role of fibrillin-1 in ophthalmological abnormalities.


The laboratory is specialized in cell biological techniques and bio-imaging tools, biochemistry and signal transduction (please visit our website at using in vitro and mouse models. The team is seeking to improve its knowledge in the field of single-cell transcriptomics for a comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular regulatory mechanisms involved in blood vessel formation and repair.


Applications, as a single PDF document containing a cover letter, a concise summary of previous research, a Curriculum Vitae, a publication list and contact details for at least 2 references should be sent to:
Dr. Elisabeth Genot



Posted August 10, 2024

Research Associate in Basement Membrane Ageing.

Institute: The University of Manchester

Country/City: UK, Manchester


Applications are welcome for this 34-month, fixed-term, full-time Research Associate position in the group of Dr Alex Eckersley at the University of Manchester. We are looking for a PhD holder with experience in proteomics analysis and bioinformatics. Our group focuses on understanding the mechanisms and consequences of ageing extracellular matrix and the role of cell-signaling matrix fragments (matrikines) in tissue degeneration and repair. To this end, we pioneer and develop new proteomic mass spectrometry (MS) techniques for spatial proteomics and identifying damage modifications. You will define basement membrane damage across ageing skin, kidney and lung, and link these modifications to protease cleavage sites and oxidation-sensitive matrix protein regions. You will also identify age-dependent changes in the proteases that cleave basement membranes, determine the impact of inhibiting these enzymes on basement membrane degeneration in ageing animal models, and investigate the cell signaling potential of basement membrane matrikines.


Read more and apply here:



​Posted August 5, 2024

Full-time POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER position in RADIO-ONCO-IMMUNOLOGY at the University of Strasbourg, INSERM.

Institute: INSERM U1109 – Tumor Microenvironment laboratory

Country/City: France, Strasbourg


This multisiciplinary project will investigate remodeling of the tumor matrix and reprogramming immunity
with our novel peptides to enforce radiotherapy-induced glioblastoma remission.
The international Tumor MicroEnvironment laboratory ( has a record in
innovative research performed in collaboration with local, national and international partners. This project
will be performed together with the radiobiology laboratory of G. Noel/H. Burckel (ICANS, Strasbourg) and the
Matrix biology laboratory of S. Dedieu (University Reims).
We offer a highly dynamic and supportive group of colleagues including researchers, postdocs, and PhD
students and technical support with expertise in radiobiology, extracellular matrix research, murine tumor
models, tumor immunity and big data gene expression analysis. The Tumor MicroEnvironment group is one of
8 groups dedicated to immunology research of INSERM U1109 in the center of Strasbourg providing state of
the art technology and expertise in immunology and matrix research. The salary remuneration follows INSERM
guidelines taking into account previous experience.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will be responsible for executing and designing experiments to
develop new approaches for combining radiotherapy and immunotherapy in preclinical murine glioblastoma
models. In addition, the postdoc will be responsible for analyzing and interpreting data and preparing scientific
publications and presentations and educating PhD students.
• PhD degree in immunology, oncology, radiobiology or related field
• Strong expertise in molecular and cellular biology, gene expression analysis, and mouse models of
• Experience with cancer immunotherapy and/or radiotherapy
• Experience with flow cytometry, multicolor panel design and analysis, ELISA, and Western blotting
• Excellent written and oral communication skills and the ability to work independently and as part
of a team
• Experience with grant writing, scientific presentations, and scientific publications
• Experience with writing of authorization protocols for the use of murine tumor models
• Experience with preclinical drug development in vitro and in vivo
Please include in your application:
• A cover letter
• Your resume including at least 3 referees with supporting letters/contact details
This position will remain open until filled. We are reviewing the applications as they are received: as such,
candidates are encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible.
STARTING DATE: as soon as possible (note: 3 months administrative delay before recruitment).
Interested candidates are invited to send their CV together with a motivation letter and the support letters to
Gertraud Orend (



​Posted November 20, 2023

Postdoc: Targeting the extracellular matrix with novel drugs on radiotherapy-induced tumor regression.

Institute: INSERM U1109 – Tumor Microenvironment laboratory

Country/City: France, Strasbourg
More information:


In frame of a Worldwide Cancer Research funded project a Postdoc or Research Engineer position is immediately available for 36 months to address effects of targeting the extracellular matrix with novel drugs on radiotherapy-induced tumor regression. This project is performed in collaboration with the ICANS Radiology Laboratory in Strasbourg (G. Noel/H. Burckel) and aims at developing novel treatment regimens for improving tumor remission in head and neck and breast cancer patients. The international Tumor MicroEnvironment laboratory ( has a record in innovative research performed in collaboration with local, national and international partners. The laboratory is specialized in the analysis of the tumor stroma with particular emphasis on the extracellular matrixin the analysis of the tumor stroma with particular emphasis on the extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C (J Cell Sci, 2022). We have demonstrated pivotal roles of tenascin-C in orchestrating an immune suppressive tumor microenvironment (Cancer Immun Res 2020a/b, EMBO Mol Med 2022, Mat Bio 2023) that offers novel opportunities for cancer targeting (Front Immun 2021a, Mat Bio 2022). Both laboratories have also shown an impact of radiotherapy on the tumor stroma (Front Immun 2021b). We offer a highly dynamic and supportive group of colleagues including researchers, postdocs, PhD and master students and technical support with expertise in radiobiology, extracellular matrix research, murine tumor models, tumor immunity and big data gene expression analysis. The Tumor MicroEnvironment group is one of 9 groups dedicated to immunology research of INSERM U1109 in the center of Strasbourg providing state of the art technology and expertise in immunology and matrix research. The salary remuneration follows INSERM guidelines taking into account previous experience.

Responsibilities: Apply novel matrix targeting tools in conjunction with radiotherapy in established tumor models and in vitro 2D/3D tumor model systems. Use FACS, single cell RNA sequencing and tissue imaging together with biostatistical analysis.

Qualifications: We search a highly motivated scientist with strong background in tumor biology, mouse tumor models, immunology, immunohistochemistry, radiobiology and in big data analysis, high team spirit and good English communication skills.


Interested candidates are invited to send their CV together with a motivation letter and the names of three referees to Gertraud Orend (



Posted April 7, 2023

Postdoc: Extracellular matrix in Onco-immunology

Institute: INSERM U1109 – Tumor Microenvironment laboratory
Country/City: France, Strasbourg

More information:



The extracellular matrix shapes tumor immunity and is well known to impair immune checkpoint therapy. The laboratory recently discovered several mechanisms how the matrix orchestrates immune suppression and developed novel tools to block these matrix actions in the tumor. The postdoc will be involved in further understanding how matrix regulates tumor immunity and how this can be targeted with the goal to improve cancer therapy by cleaning the tumor bed.

This international laboratory ( is situated within the INSERM U1109, a research unit with over 100 members in the center of Strasbourg, that is dedicated to immunology research on autoimmune diseases, virology and cancer.


Recent publications from the laboratory: Benn 2023, Sci Adv; Fonta 2023, Matrix Biol; Loustau 2022, Matrix Biol; Yilmaz 2022, J Cell Sci; Murdamoothoo 2021, EMBO Mol Med; Deligne 2020, Cancer Immun Res; Spenle 2020, Cancer Immun Res; Sun 2019, Matrix Biol; Sun 2018, Cancer Res.

The position is offered for 24 months with a possible extension.
Keywords: tumor microenvironment, extracellular matrix, tenascin-C, tumor immunity, genetic engineered mouse models, immunology research

Scientific summary:
The extracellular matrix does not only provide three-dimensional physical cues but also directs the cellular responses through multiple mechanisms. Extracellular matrix can provide local niches, serving as substratum and sequestering soluble factors thereby orchestrating cell behaviour. In cancer the composition of the extracellular matrix is altered and thereby impacts cell properties leading to enforcement of cancer stemness, proliferation, survival and formation of new blood vessels, altogether promoting metastasis. Cancer probably can only be cured when the tumor bed is cleaned and the extracellular matrix is normalised which represents a challenge that the laboratory is addressing. Our research is aiming to understand how the extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C is orchestrating an immune suppressive tumor microenvironment. By using tumor models with a tumor microenvironment phenocopying that of human cancer we are applying RNA seq, mass spec analysis, and cell culture work to define targetable mechanisms which include our novel targeting tools and CAR T cells targeting the matrix. We like to understand how these treatments normalise the tumor microenvironment to achieve long lasting tumor remission. The postdoc will use state of the art technology in immunology and matrix research and will work within a consortium of colleagues experienced in matrix biology, immunology, omics and network analysis.

Candidate profile:
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD who wants to develop his/her own research project in a good team-working spirit. The candidate must be strongly motivated for comprehensive research using multiple technologies.  
- Knowledge on cancer immunology is welcome
- Experience in murine tumor models, histology, cell culture and flow cytometry is welcome
- Expertise in bioinformatics is appreciated

Application: Please send a concise cover letter with a statement of research interests and a summary of previous research activity and achievements. Please, also send a detailed curriculum vitae and two reference letters to Gertraud Orend:



Posted March 21, 2023

Postdoc position (TV-L E13) available immediately for 2-3 years in the research group “Translational Matrix Biology“ at University of Cologne, Medical Faculty, Germany


This position is funded within a DFG research grant focusing on mechanisms controlling collagen secretion. The aim of this project is to understand and modulate collagen secretion, ultimately aiming at developing novel therapeutic approaches to target fibrotic diseases. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a solid background in molecular & cell biology and/or protein chemistry. Hands-on experience in animal experimentation (FELASA-B) is desired.

We are a small international team of scientists embedded in the vibrant Cologne life science environment with basic science and translational groups (CECAD, CMMC, University hospital, MPI Age, MPI Metabolism) closely collaborating.

Interested candidates are invited to send their CV and contacts of 2 references to:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Krieg

Download the flyer.


Posted December 21, 2022

Open PhD Student Position (65 %, E13) in the Division for Biochemistry of Joint and Connective Tissue Diseases, Orthopedic Department, University Hospital of Ulm

Project: Elucidating the pathomechanisms of compromised fracture healing in osteoporosis: Consequences of mitochondrial dysfunction
Osteoporosis is a major health problem characterized by compromised bone strength and consequent increased risk of fracture and impaired healing capacities. So far, the underlying pathomechanisms are only poorly understood and pharmacologic approaches are limited. Our project aims on further investigation of the molecular pathomechanisms of osteoporosis, in particular cellular aging and mitochondrial dysfunction, and testing of novel therapeutics strategies to improve bone healing after fracture. The project is part of the Collaborative Research Centre 1149 (CRC1149) "Danger response, disturbance factors and regeneration after acute trauma" and will be performed in the group of Dr. Jana Riegger-Koch at the RKU (
Activities and responsibilities:
• human/ mouse primary cell culture, differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells
• molecular biological techniques: gene expression analysis, ELISA, WB, …
• histology: fluorescence staining, immunohistochemistry (IHC)
• writing publications and presentation of own results on conferences/ retreats
Qualification profile:
• master degree in biology, molecular medicine or related field of study
• strong motivation to address bio-medical and pathophysiological questions
• experience in cell and molecular biology, and possibly first insight into animal experiments would be an advantage
We offer:
• direct supervision and training in established methods
• close cooperation with other CRC1149 members
• opportunity to join the International Graduate School in Mol. Medicine Ulm
• development your own scientific profile, incl. additional training opportunities
• funding for 4 years (65 %, E13); starting in February 2023
Detailed applications (CV, certificates etc.) should be send until 8th of January to Dr. Jana Riegger-Koch via mail:

For further information download the flyer. Please feel free to contact Dr. Riegger-Koch for further information or visit our homepage

Posted December 12, 2022

PhD student positions in the German Research Foundation (DFG) funded Research Unit FOR2722 “ECM biology and musculoskeletal diseases”


The Research Unit has an open call for 17 PhD student positions to join our network of excellent and passionate scientists located in one of the most vibrant cities in the center of Europe – Cologne. We work on the extracellular matrix (ECM), the complex and highly information-containing molecular network that surrounds cells. The ECM influences most aspects of cellular function by binding to cell surface receptors or modulating growth factor signalling. It is thereby intimately  involved in many forms of inherited or acquired disease.
Join our vivid network on extracellular matrix biology & musculoskeletal diseases and make a difference!
– Work with leading experts on connective tissue diseases, uncover novel molecular pathomechanisms and develop tailored therapies.
– Enjoy a highly interdisciplinary research environment with 18 internationally recognized group leaders from basic science to translational medicine with focus on mechanobiology, systems biology, biochemistry, molecular and developmental biology, human genetics and diseases, clinical translation.
– Interact with groups of our collaborative research network at renowned institutions: The Childrens Hospital & research institutes of the University of Cologne – the German Sport University Cologne – the Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Aging – the Cluster of Excellence CECAD – the Institute for Musculoskeletal Medicine (Münster) – the Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Research Unit (Frankfurt)

You will benefit from
– Excellent projects that address basic and translational questions in extracellular matrix biology and connective tissue diseases
– Access to advanced imaging/mass spectrometry/genomic & gene editing technologies, disease models (mouse, fish, organoids) and translational approaches (protein targeting & therapeutic antibody development)
– Advanced training, mentoring and networking in a cohort of PhD students entirely dedicated to the extracellular matrix and connective tissue diseases
– Training workshops in extracellular matrix biology and musculoskeletal diseases, high throughput data analysis and clinical aspects of connective tissue diseases
– Soft skills courses (presentation & scientific writing, good scientific conduct)
– Structured PhD programme and thesis advisory committees
– Participation and organization of summer schools, seminar series, annual retreats and international symposia
– Mobility grants for national and international short term lab visits
– Full funding for international and German students, no tuition costs

We invite
highly motivated applicants with an MSc (or equivalent) degree and a strong background in life sciences e.g. biochemistry, molecular medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, medicine and bioengineering.


Apply now and send your application including a letter of motivation, copy of certificates, a CV and names of two references to
For further information download the flyer, visit us on Twitter @DFG_FOR2722 or


Posted November 29, 2022

Post Doctoral Researcher - structure-function analysis of the proteolytic maturation complex of fibrillar collagens

The research group of Catherine Moali in the LBTI (Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering Lab, Lyon, France, is looking for a Post Doctoral Researcher (for minimum of 2 years) to work on the structure-function analysis of the proteolytic maturation complex of fibrillar collagens. Our keywords : extracellular matrix, collagen, proteases, mechanism, structure, CryoEM.  The project aims to better understand the steps leading from the synthesis of individual procollagen chains to collagen fibrils and would greatly benefit the development of new therapeutic tools targeting fibrotic diseases. Project in collaboration with the OPIC (Oxford Particle Imaging Center) facility in Oxford.

LBTI is a young and dynamic research laboratory located in the heart of Lyon Biodistrict (>5000 people working in life sciences and biomedical research). It offers top-level equipment in biology and a very stimulating scientific environment. Located in the South-East of France, Lyon is the second biggest scientific and economic center in the country and is internationally recognized for its quality of life.

Find out more and apply or download the flyer




Posted November 18, 2022

Two junior faculty positions in the area of tissue biology to be based at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford


Following a recent strategic review, tissue biology has been identified as high priority for the Institute and an area for investment from the Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research (KTRR). Accordingly, in 2022, in combination with funding from KTRR and Versus Arthritis, we launched a new Tissue Biology Platform, led by Professor Tonia Vincent.

The new faculty members will play a vital role in developing the Tissue Biology Platform by bringing expertise in areas such as the extracellular matrix, tissue niche, stem cell biology, in vitro human organoids and proteomics. Tissues of interest might include, but are not restricted to, bone, cartilage, synovium, endothelium and epithelium. There is a strong translational ethos at the Institute with an emphasis on inflammatory, mechano-inflammatory and fibrotic diseases.

The two positions are distinct, with a senior position “Group Leader in Tissue Biology” most suited to an established scientist wishing to pursue a pure academic track, and “Group Leader (Innovation Investigator Track) in Tissue Biology” which would suit a more junior person where there would be an expectation that 50% of their time was used to help support collaborative activities across the Institute (this could include technology-based expertise).

Links to the two job descriptions with details on how to apply are included below.

Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research (KTRR) Group Leader in Tissue Biology

Group Leader (Innovation Investigator Track)


We also have funding for a post doc in proteomics to support mass spec analysis across the Institute. This post would suit a recent PhD graduate, or more established PDRA, with hands on experience in proteomic and/or lipidomic analysis.



Posted November 1, 2022

Postdoctoral Research Position: "To determine the molecular and functional characteristics of Tenascin-C matrix niches during tumor immune evolution".


A postdoc position (18 months plus opportunity for renewal) is available in the Tumor Microenvironment group of Gertraud Orend (INSERM U1109, Strasbourg) to investigate the tumor microenvironment at cellular and molecular level. The Orend laboratory ( is specialized in the analysis of the tumor microenvironment with particular emphasis on the extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C (Yilmaz et al., 2022, J Cell Sci, Midwood et al., 2016, J Cell Sci) in tumor angiogenesis (Saupe et al., 2013, Cell Reports, Rupp et al., 2016, Cell Reports), metastasis (Sun et al., 2018, Cancer Res, Sun et al., 2019, Matrix Bio) and tumor
immunity (Murdamoothoo et al., 2021, EMBO Mol Med, Spenle et al., 2020, Cancer Immun Res Deligne et al., 2020, Cancer Immun Res,).
We offer: a highly dynamic and supportive group of colleagues including researchers, postdocs, and PhD students and technical support with expertise in extracellular matrix research, murine tumor models and tumor immunity. The salary remuneration follows INSERM guidelines taking into account
previous experience. 

We search: a highly motivated scientist with background in tumor biology, mouse tumor models, immunology, cell culture and biochemistry, high team spirit and good English communication skills.
The candidate will map the tenascin-C regulated matrix-immune landscape in its temporal and spatial context in an interdisciplinary consortium of 6 experts in cell and cancer biology, proteomics, transcriptomics, genomics, molecular interactomics analysis and cancer pathology. The aim of this project is to generate novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools to improve cancer treatment.
Interested candidates are invited to send their CV together with a motivation letter and the names of three referees to Gertraud Orend (



Posted September 27, 2022

Research Engineer Position available: "Anti-tumor immunity by targeting the extracellular matrix with CAR T cells".


In the INCa PLBIO funded project “Matrix-CAR-Targeting”: anti-tumor immunity by targeting the extracellular matrix with CAR T cells" three research laboratories (E. Donnadieu, Institut Cochin, Paris, C. Ferrand, EFS, (French Blood Center), Besançon, G. Orend, INSERM U1109, Strasbourg) are collaborating in developing and applying novel tools to target the extracellular matrix for reprogramming the immune suppressive tumor microenvironment including peptides and matrix CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) specific CAR-T cells. Spatial distribution, migration and activation of engineered T cells will be investigated in spheroid cultures, ex vivo tumor tissue slices, and cancer progression models. Tumor immunity, growth, lung metastasis and tumor microenvironment properties will be determined by flow cytometry, tissue staining, cytokine array and RNA seq analysis.

A 36 months position (research engineer) starting in spring 2023 is available in the Tumor Microenvironment group of Gertraud Orend (INSERM U1109, Strasbourg). This laboratory ( is specialized in the analysis of the tumor microenvironment with particular emphasis on the extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C (Yimaz et al., 2022, J Cell Sci, Midwood et al., 2016, J Cell Sci). This laboratory has demonstrated pivotal roles of tenascin-C in tumor angiogenesis (Saupe et al., 2013, Cell Reports, Rupp et al., 2016, Cell Reports), metastasis (Sun et al., 2018, Cancer Res, Sun et al., 2019, Mat Bio) and tumor immunity (Deligne 2020, Cancer Immun Res, Spenle et al., 2021, Front Immunol), and recently showed that tenascin-C orchestrates an immune suppressive tumor microenvironment. The novel concept of "TIL-Matrix Retention" where tenascin-C immobilizes tumor infiltrating leukocytes (TIL) could explain how matrix counteracts immune checkpoint therapy (Spenlé et al., 2020, Cancer Immun Res, Murdamoothoo et al., 2021 EMBO Mol Med). In frame of this project the candidate will apply novel CAR T cells and the recently published MAREMO peptides (Loustau et al., 2022, Mat Bio).

We offer: a highly dynamic and supportive group of colleagues including researchers, postdocs, PhD and master students and technical personnel with expertise in extracellular matrix research, murine tumor models and tumor immunity. The salary remuneration follows INSERM guidelines taking into account previous experience.

We search: a highly motivated scientist with strong background in tumor biology, mouse tumor models, immunology and cell culture, high team spirit and good English communication skills.

Interested candidates are invited to send their CV together with a motivation letter and the names of three referees to Gertraud Orend (



Posted September 13, 2022

Two postdoctoral positions in cardiovascular research


The research group Cardiovascular research - Translational studies at Lund University is looking for two senior postdocs, highly-skilled in experimental techniques to help validate novel targets and mechanisms in our unique human biobank. If you are motivated to become part of a very international team at the Clinical Research Center, Lund University and fight against atherosclerosis, please do contact us!
Find out more about the positions on Varbi:
Contact: Isabel Gonçalves, MD, PhD, FESC, Professor/Senior Consultant Cardiology, Skåne University Hospital & Clinical Sciences Malmö, Lund University, Sweden



Posted September 9, 2022

Impact of the extracellular matrix architecture on metastasis formation


We work on the impact of the extracellular matrix architecture on metastasis formation. The extracellular matrix is as fascinating as complex and presents the house cells build, live in, move through, and constantly repair and remodel. We are a relatively young group with a strong passion to decode the physico-chemical properties of the extracellular matrix in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo during metastasis formation. We do not only focus on basic aspects of the protein mass within the intercellular space but also on translating findings into the clinic. The position will be in close contact with the Faculty of Medicine in Freiburg and with several internationally collaboration partners. This work includes a multitude of techniques spanning biomechanical analysis in combination with multi-omics approaches, patient-derived organoids, animal work, biochemistry, and bioinformatic tools.

We are looking for:

  • university degree in the following areas but not essentially restricted to: biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, pharmaceutical science, informatics

  • English language skills

  • eager to discover underlying mechanisms of living systems, passionate and enthusiastic for Science

  • bent to perform impactful research


For more information, send an email to:


Please apply online before November 15th, 2022, at this link


Posted July 30, 2022

Openings at all levels in the Naba lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago


The Naba lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago studies the role of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in development, health, and disease, with a particular focus on cancer. To do so, we utilize classical molecular, cellular, and developmental biology approaches in combination with cutting-edge proteomics and computational analyses. Our goal is to better understand how the ECM contributes to diseases so that we can exploit it to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

The Naba lab is a highly collaborative and dynamic group that strives for scientific excellence and offers a stimulating and inclusive working environment conducive to learning and professional development. 

The Naba lab is seeking highly motivated candidates to fill multiple positions at pre-doctoral and post-doctoral levels, read here for more information:



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